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Niice + jsFiddle

Embed interactive code snippets

With the jsFiddle integration for Niice, you can embed code snippets (known as '"fiddles") and discuss them with your team on Niice. Your embedded fiddle will stay in sync with jsFiddle, so any changes you make to it there will be automatically reflected on your board.

How it works

It's simple to embed code from jsFiddle to your Niice board so you can share it with your team! Your embedded code will stay in sync with jsFiddle, so any changes you make to it there will be automatically reflected in Niice.

Adding code from jsFiddle

  1. Go to a board and click on the “+” in the bottom right
  2. Click and drag the ‘Embed’ block onto the board
  3. Paste in the jsFiddle embed URL,
    e.g. https://...
  4. Hit confirm to save it

Removing embedded code

  1. Click the “...” dropdown on the embed
  2. Select “Remove”

Adjusting the layout

You can crop and resize embeds like any other block on the board, and you can move it around by clicking and dragging on the handle in the top left corner of the code.